Project Description

What’s a
Light Group?

Light Group is a small group or a support group wherein friendships are built. It is where you meet people who will journey with you. It is where you get to know God through the different stories of other people and you’ll learn from their stories as well.

After 30 long years of ministry, I’ve come to the conclusion that what makes the world sick is really just one problem.

It’s the core problem behind every divorce, every war, every depression, every financial lack, every addiction
What is our core problem?

We feel unloved.

Larry Crab, dean of Christian counselors, calls it by another term: Disconnection.
This is our soul wound. This is what makes us fall.
Primarily, we’re disconnected from God’s love. We don’t experience His love, perhaps because as a child, we were not loved in our families. Point: How can we receive God’s love if we don’t even know what it looks like?

And how do you heal this soul wound?

By getting into healing relationships.

That’s why I believe in small groups.
Caring groups. Connect groups.
And here in the Light of Jesus Family, it’s called Light Groups.

Light Groups can be places where quiet, unspectacular healing happens. They can be places where one gets connected with others– and receive God’s love.

This is the essence of Church. Not the rituals. Not the doctrines. It’s the imperfect relationships that will heal us of our soul wound. (Please don’t get me wrong. Rituals and doctrines are very important, but not as important as love.)

Go ahead. Find new friends here in your Light Group.
​Love and be loved. And experience church. And be healed.

Maybe that’s why your here.

We may not know all things, but we know there’s a purpose to everything that’s happening.

Light Group Modules

These are your modules. These will guide you all throughout your Light Group sessions.




This is a practical and informational module that equips young servant leaders with necessary skills to serve the young people better.

Session 1: Servant Leadership and Youth Ministry2019-11-04T06:48:01+00:00
Session 2: Connection and Communication to an Individual2019-09-30T06:31:42+00:00
Session 3: Connection and Communication to a Group2019-09-30T06:28:02+00:00
Session 4: Youth Evangelization2019-09-30T06:23:21+00:00
Session 5: Spiritual Development2019-10-01T07:39:17+00:00
Session 6: Program Development2019-09-30T06:20:07+00:00
Session 7: Ministry Development2019-09-30T06:18:35+00:00



As LOJF shifts into the attractional-missional model, there is a need for a clear-cut, simple, and
adaptable person to person discipleship and evangelism plan, a tool to facilitate that culture and a
launching pad for the system.

Fired Up2019-10-10T10:18:16+00:00